Side-Loading Hydraulic Non-Shift Wedge Grips Series WGR-H up to 2500 kN
The grip is designed such that there is no backlash while passing through zero load which makes them the best solution for many tests including those with tension-compression loading.
Their high lateral stiffness and constant lateral gripping force assure and maintaining excellent alignment. The WGR series is versatile, allowing the installation of inserts for flat and round specimen.
Each grip is hydraulically operated, with gripping force being applied via movement of the grip body relative to the wedge-shaped jaw faces. Thus, the wedge inserts remain stationary on the same vertical position when applying
initial gripping force to sample while the body of the grip is moving. This feature minimises the preload applied to the sample by the grips and minimize compressive force being applied prior to testing. The grip body wedge
area is fitted with jaw guides, to ensure that the jaw faces remain square to each other and to the specimen. Each jaw face is located in the grip body by two extension springs, which allow the jaw faces to release the specimen after testing.
The open-front construction makes specimen insertion quick and easy. This translates into you spending less time inserting and aligning specimens and more time testing.
WGR series allows also the proper clamping of short specimens, minimizing material.
These grips can be mounted on hydraulic or non-hydraulic static testing machines and dynamic rated systems.
Each grip has two hydraulic ports for the fluid, one for opening of the grip and one for closing / clamping. The hydraulic supply can be either from an existing hydraulic source or via stand-alone or in the machine integrated hydraulic pump and valve assembly. In combination with extension rods and high-temperature hydraulic fluid the grips can be mounted in environmental chambers.
The grips are nickel plated wear and corrosion resistance. The WGR Grips are produced up to 2500 kN capacity. Built for years of trouble-free testing at its full rating!
All grips supplied with sealings for Standard Temperature Range of the grips from -40°C to +180°C whereas the use above 75°C requires a standalone grip supply with suitable fluid.