UTM Servohydraulic Machines up to 3000 kN
In ergonomic dual-test-space design allowing, tension, compression and bending tests to be performed without the need of fixtures
removal from a load frame.
Key Features
removal from a load frame.
- Rigid 4-column construction
- For tensile tests in upper test space
- For compression/bending tests in upper test space
- Two spindles for test space adjustments hrough positioning of lower crosshead
- Chrome plated columns for easy cleaning and longest life
- Anti-rotation system for the actuator
- Piston stroke limit-switch
- With integrated precision electronic oad cell for direct force measurement
- With high resolution digital displacment transducer
- Including hardened compression plates in the lower test space
- Including bending testing device, which needs to be mounted on to the lower test space
- Available Extra Height Tension space for strand tests

Servohydraulic Universal Testing Machine UTM-600 kN
Servohydraulic Universal Testing Machine UTM-1000 kN
Servohydraulic Universal Testing Machine UTM-1500 kN
Servohydraulic Universal Testing Machine UTM-2000 kN
Operation Control Console with integrated Hydraulic Power Supply for UTM Testing Machines