Servohydraulic Axial - Torsional Test System LFV-T Series
Our modular tests systems include load frames with actuator in the upper cross head or models with in the base integrated axial-torsional actuator. If your test needs require a bespoke solution our in-hose design team will design and build the frame, fixtures, and accessories so that if will meet your requirements in the best possible way.
Systems with Actuators integrated in the Machines Base
The Floor-Standing Tests Systems with axial-torsional actuator in the machine base provide complete testing solutions from static to dynamic biaxial testing. They are also ideal to integrate test accessories for non-ambient testing such as environmental chamber, high temperature furnace or inductive heating systems.
Systems with Actuators integrated in the Crosshead
The Floor-Standing Systems with axial-torsional actuator in the upper crosshead with lower T-slot table provide a high degree of flexibility for materials, component or finished goods testing. This configuration offers a variety test possibility making these systems often the preferred solution for test labs, universities, and those with high force testing requirements.
Compact System with integrated Hydraulic Power Supply
For those application with lower force / torque ratings we are offering the compact series of axial-torsional servohydraulic test systems with actuator in the upper crosshead and integral T-slot table for various static to dynamic axial / torsional requirements as materials testing, medical device, biomaterial and other component or finished good testing.