LFM Electromechanical Floor Standing Machines 150 to 400 kN
These floor-standing state-of-the-art testing systems using the latest technology, as all of our testing machines, providing uncompromising
quality and therefore representing a range of accurate and reliable testing machines.
Typical application for this medium load, rigid 4-column systems, include testing of metals & alloys, fasteners, composite materials, forgings, joints, geotextiles or cement. The ergonomic design and rigid construction render this system the perfect solution for highly efficient testing.quality and therefore representing a range of accurate and reliable testing machines.
Key Features
- Rigid machine frame with high stiffness providing superior axial and lateral stiffness and guarantees robust, durable and long-term operation
- Single test area with ergonomic working height
- Two precise, backlash-free ball screw assembly provides high load capacity, high positioning accuracy and repeatability
- Controlled by a brush-less high responsive, maintenance-free AC servomotor to drive the mobile traverse (crosshead) providing faster starts and stops, best control, and highest accuracy at a extremely low noise level
- Additional two (2) guiding columns for increased lateral stiffness
- Spindles (ball-screws) with flange double-nut, sealed and greased for long maintenance intervals
- Spindle, flange double-nut and ball-screw shaft grinded pairwise for reduced pitch error
- On-point, in-service lubrication
- Spindle and column protection (are length over full travel long are protected by oil- and moisture-resistant), sealed bellows made from polyester fabric, coated with polyurethane inside and out side
- Precision strain gauge load cell mounted on (moveable) crosshead optionally available Alignment Fixture mounted between crosshead and load cell with related alignment verification equipment
- Digital movable crosshead encoder for high resolution, high accurate crosshead measurement and closed loop control
- Adjustable end-stops in both (UP/DOWN) directions for the optimal protection of operator, test sample and machine
- End-stops for maximum travel protection
Electrical cabinet with complete power supply and control module, relays etc. mounted on rear side of machine’s base - Durable structured coating (or paint)
- Use of high quality components and assemblies of reputable companies
- Bolts for machine lifting
- Adjustable feet for leveling the testing machine
- The machine is free-standing on shock absorbers, requiring no special foundations

300 kN Universal Testing Machine with Wedge Screw Grips
300 kN Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine with Mechanical Grips PWG
300 kN Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine with Hydrauli Parallel Grips SPG and Furnace
300 kN Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine with Hydraulic Non-Shift Grip
300 kN Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine with Mechanical Wedge Grip
400 kN Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine with High-Temperature Furnace
Electromchanical 400 kN Axial-Torsional Machine Universal Testing Machine
Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine for Composite Materials Testing
150 kN Sheet Metal Testing Machine with Axial-Transversal Extensometer
400 kN Rebar Testing Machine with Video-Extensometere
300 kN Electromechanical Testing Machine with Side Test-Area
250 kN Robotic Rebar Test System